Saturday, June 12, 2010

Power 25 [June 12,2010]

Read on to find out how the royal pair rank in this week's Power 25.


-I feel bad for Randy.And also for his BFF John Cena and even CM Punk.Randy was attacked by Edge with a chair,while The Champ and The Straightedge Savior were brutally beaten up (and even WWE crew except Michael Cole who managed to escape) by the  NXT Season 1 Rookies that gave the reason for their supposed match to end in No Contest.Hopefully these three will be fine.

Rankings of John Cena and CM Punk:

4(John Cena)-In one of the most shocking moments in Raw history, John Cena was brutally attacked by Wade Barrett and his renegade band of NXT season one Rookies. The WWE Champion never looked so vulnerable.

18(CM Punk)-The Straight Edge Savior was abused by the marauding NXT season one Rookie on Raw and squashed by Big Show on Friday night. No wonder he doesn't want to show face.


Kelly Kelly - The beautiful blonde drops off the P25 after being out of action this week.

-Hopefully Kelly Kelly will have a match next week.