Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Possible MITB matches and outcomes if they reunited

So what if Randy and Kelly reunited last Sunday?Here are the possible happenings as well as dream matches between the two!

Randy Orton and Kelly Kelly vs. Sheamus and Layla - Winners take all
-this will be awesome,since Randy can cash in the briefcase anytime within one year.Besides,they can help each other.

A backstage segment between them
-Randy apologizes to Kelly for what happened two years ago,and then asks her  to be with him at ringside for his Money in the Bank match.AWESOME,RIGHT?

If Kelly wins the WWE Women's championship (which she rightfully deserve)...
-She celebrates with the fans then Laycool attacks her,Tiffany saves her but she can't help it.Randy can do an RKO on LayCool but this part won't happen since WWE is PG so probably Randy will scare the hell out of them.Right?

If Randy wins the RAW Money in the Bank match(which he rightfully deserve,but The Miz is in line for a big push)...
- Kelly might be seen watching him backstage,satisfied.

So for more what ifs I will be doing it not only during pay-per-views,but also for the main shows as well.