Friday, February 3, 2012

WWE Superstars results [February 2,2012]

Alicia Fox & Kelly Kelly vs. The Bella Twins

Kelly and Nikki start things off, but Nikki quickly rolls out to the outside to taunt Kelly along with her sister. Nikki gets back in, but as Kelly tries to go after her, Nikki quickly rolls back out to the outside to do some more taunting. Kelly tags in Alicia, and both of them hit a double baseball slide to the Bellas, knocking them down. Alicia sends Nikki into the ring, and hits a couple of right hands. Irish whip by Alicia, and she hits Nikki coming in with a dropkick. Irish whip by Alicia, reversed by Nikki, but Alicia springs off the middle turnbuckles and hits a reverse back elbow. Nikki rolls out to the apron, but Brie distracts Alicia, and that allows Nikki to hotshot Alicia across the top rope.

Nikki slams Alicia's face into the mat, then tags in Brie, who kicks Alicia in the head, then chokes her in the ropes. Tag back in to Nikki, and the Bellas drive Alicia's head into the top turnbuckle. Nikki then chokes Alicia with her boot in the corner. Snapmare by Nikki, and then she locks in a seated abdominal stretch as the crowd tries to will on Alicia. Alicia gets back to her feet, but Nikki drives her head back down to the mat. Tag back in to Brie, and the Bellas do a double booty shake to Alicia, but then Alicia kicks Brie into Nikki, and Nikki goes crashing out to the outside. Alicia tries to make the tag to Kelly, but Brie hits her with a double sledge to prevent it, and then knocks Kelly off of the apron. Brie drags Alicia over to her side of the ring, then locks back in the seated abdominal stretch. Crowd tries to will back on Alicia, as she gets back up to her feet, and hits a couple of gut shots, followed by a split snapmare takeover, and then Alicia finally makes the tag to Kelly.

Kelly heads up top, and hits a Top Rope Lou Thesz press to Brie, followed by some right hands. Kelly hits a facebuster, then goes off the ropes, and connects with the many revolution headscissors takedown. Brie goes to the corner, but Kelly goes right after her and gives her the Stinkface. Kelly goes for a bulldog, but Brie pushes her off. Kelly then ducks under Brie's clothesline and kicks her in the ribs.

Kelly then hits the K2 on Brie for the victory.

Winners: Alicia Fox & Kelly Kelly by pinfall (K2)

Kelly & Alicia celebrate their win as we go to commercial.