Friday, June 25, 2010

WWE Smackdown Results for June 25,2010


Kelly Kelly vs. Rosa Mendes with LayCool in commentary and Kaval at ringside


Rosa was shown doing jumping rope.Kelly came out with Tiffany again at her side.They started the match but then it was finished quickly with Kelly doing the K2 for the win.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

After the match,she does the jumping rope and throws it at LayCool.

-Hmm.WTF is wrong with the creative team this week?!When will we see a proper feud between them?And I hope Kelly gets to train more...courtesy of course of the beloved Viper Randy Orton! :D 

Updated results:
Photos | Video
After Rosa Mendes attempted to show off by jumping rope in the ring before the match, Kelly Kelly countered with a lightning-fast pinfall after the bell rang. After the win, Kelly tossed the jump rope at team “Lay-Cool,” which was sitting in on commentary. The duo leaped to its feet and appeared ready to retaliate, but backed away when Tiffany stood side-by-side with Kelly.

Cody Rhodes voted Most Handsome

With NXT Rookie Husky Harris at his side, Cody Rhodes revealed he was voted “Most Handsome” in the Diva’s Poll. (Full poll results) After gloating about his victory, Rhodes touted his good looks and dubbed himself “Dashing” Cody Rhodes.

(Well yeah it's a Cody Rhodes news but then Kelly Kelly was rumored to be with him.Just that.But no proof yet.Kelly voted him as Most Conceited.)