Saturday, February 26, 2011

WWE Smackdown results [February 25,2011]

World Heavyweight Champion Edge & Kelly Kelly def. Drew McIntyre & Vickie Guerrero (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Vickie Guerrero took part in the second SmackDown Mixed Tag Team Match in three weeks, knowing that if she and her partner Drew McIntyre lost, SmackDown General Theodore Long would fire her as the show's Official Consultant.
When Vickie stood in Edge’s way as he was about to Spear McIntyre in the climatic moments of the match, Kelly Kelly took her down with The Master Manipulator’s signature maneuver. The Ultimate Opportunist then followed suit, Spearing the "Chosen One" to seal his ex-wife’s fate.
After a jubilant Teddy Long fired his Official Consultant, an hysterical Vickie pledged with everyone she could to keep her job, including Edge himself. This prompted the 11-time World Champion to lead the WWE Universe in another rendition of “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.” However, as The Rated-R Superstar watched Vickie walk off in disgrace, his WrestleMania No. 1 contender Alberto Del Rio attacked him, locking him in his vicious cross armbreaker. (WATCH) (Match preview)