Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WWE RAW results [April 18,2011]

Randy Orton def. CM Punk (WATCH | PHOTOS)
Who knew The Viper could play possum so well? As tensions continue to mount between Randy Orton and CM Punk, the two met head on in the night’s explosive main event. Fierce competitors, The Viper and The Second City Savior traded blows as well as momentum throughout the bout. In the end, Orton turned the tables on his preachy opponent and capitalized for the win. Unfortunately for Orton, The New Nexus crashed the victory party.
Punk’s New Nexus disciples surrounded the ring and closed ranks around their prey. After pummeling Orton and leaving him seemingly unconscious on the canvas, The New Nexus cleared a path for Mason Ryan to deliver the final nail in the coffin. The Second City Savior waved him off, though, intent on punishing Orton himself. As he steamed toward the lifeless body, however, WWE’s Apex Predator snapped to life. He leveled Punk with a shocking RKO before slithering from the ring and leaving The New Nexus stunned and scrambling for answers.