Saturday, April 30, 2011

WWE Smackdown results [April 29,2011]

Randy Orton RKO'd Drew McIntyre and Alex Riley (WATCH | PHOTOS)
When Randy Orton kicked off the night by introducing himself to the SmackDown audience, a slew of Superstars wanted their chance in the spotlight. However, The Viper quickly asserted his dominance with a pair of devastating RKOs to Drew McIntyre and Alex Riley. When Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay came calling, Christian rushed to Orton’s side. Before an all-out brawl, SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long arranged for the foursome to officially meet in the night’s main event.

Randy Orton & Christian def. Alberto Del Rio & Brodus Clay (WATCH | PHOTOS)
If there was any question about what impact Randy Orton would make on SmackDown, he quickly made it known that he is a force to be reckoned with. In the night’s main event, The Viper downed big Brodus Clay to help secure a win for his team. Will Orton and Christian carry this momentum into their respective matches this Sunday at Extreme Rules? (Extreme Rules coverage)